Posts in Confidence
5 Things Stopping You From Saving Money

Not keeping track. Increase your savings by creating a monthly budget so that you can see where your money is going and set attainable goals.

Refusing to cut back. Some ways to break splurging habits are to unsubscribe from retail emails, eat out less and switch to generic products.

Not being prepared. Having an emergency fund separate from your savings will help insulate your financial goals from whatever might come.

Holding too much debt. As soon as you secure an emergency fund, tackle your debt. Freedom from debt, will free up money for your savings goals.

Making excuses. Your attitude may be holding you back. Try to change how you view your fiscal priorities so you can focus on what gets you to your goals.

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ConfidenceMichael Gowin
Social Security Fun Facts

“In 2010, 75% of the 34.5 million retired workers elected to receive a reduced benefit prior to their full retirement age (FRA). Relatively more women (76.4%) than men (71.4%) received a reduced benefit.”
(Source: SSA Annual Supplemental)

A person receives 75% of their Full Retirement Age (FRA) benefit if they begin benefits early at age 62. If they delay benefits to age 70, they then receive 132% of their FRA benefit.

Married couples have a couple of claiming options that you might not have known about including File and Suspend, Claim Now, Claim More Later and Two High Earners strategies.

ConfidenceMichael Gowin