Electronic Investment Statements and E-Newsletter

As the amount of information that we receive continues to increase instead of decrease, we wanted to remind you that your investment information is available electronically.

CIRstatments.com is the place where you can view most of your accounts that are either held or serviced by our firm—in one place.

We believe this is another way to simplify your financial planning and reduce paper clutter.

We also offer an electronic version of this quarterly newsletter. If you would like to skip the paper copy of the newsletter or get signed up for online investment account information, a phone call to our office is all it takes. Call Susan at (815) 842-4393.

SimplicityMichael Gowin
4 Retiree To-Dos in a Turbulent Market

1.) Check your liquid reserves. Setting one to two years of living expenses aside in true cash instruments allows you more confidence in letting your long-term portfolio do what it’s going to do.

2.) Look at your allocation plan.Look at how your portfolio is allocated across cash and bonds and stocks. Being well diversified will be the main determinant of how your portfolio behaves.

3.) Consider your withdrawal strategy.A turbulent market is a good time to consider your withdrawal strategy and what you are spending money on. There could be areas to pull back your spending during tough markets.

4.) Mind the small stuff.Take a look at all of your investment related expenses, mind your transaction costs, and if you’re paying commissions to trade, don’t trade more than you need to.

Learn more at: http://bit.ly/4RetireeToDos (Source Morningstar.com)

ConfidenceMichael Gowin
Volunteerism and Mentorship

When we talk about having freedom in our lives, we believe this includes having the freedom in our schedules to give our time, talents and resources, to the people, projects and organizations we care about.

Dave has taken on the role of mentoring a young man through Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Central Illinois.

According to BBBS, only one out of ten new volunteers that enroll as a “Big” is male, while the majority of children applying to be partnered with a mentor are boys being raised by a single female parent. These youngsters are ready and waiting for a man to step into this role. Being a big brother requires no special skills – just a desire to make a difference.

Call Dave to more about BBBS mentorship or visit www.bbbs.org.

FreedomMichael Gowin
Our clients are on the move!

Over the past year, we have been thrilled to have many clients make transitions to new homes across the country. 

While moving sometimes takes clients farther away from us, we are excited for them to start this new phase of their lives. We have every confidence that we will find ways to continue to work effectively together. That is what we are here for—to help you walk through big decisions.

We are always only a phone call away.And for those of you that are staying put, just another reminder that now is the ideal time to think about refinancing your mortgage if you haven't already done so in the past few years. Take advantage of this historic opportunity to lock in low long-term rates.  

Call us at (815) 842-4393 if you want to discuss.

FreedomMichael Gowin
5 Retirement Tips to Trust
  1. Wait for Social Security. If you can afford to, wait until you're 70. For every year you wait after age 62, your benefits increase by about 8%.

  2. Do a budget, hire a financial planner, get a retirement plan. Once you have found an advisor you trust, they will have you do a budget, and get you and your spouse to sit and discuss your shared vision for retirement.

  3. Do not retire without a plan. Don’t retire without knowing what you will be doing for the rest of your life. Even those who thought they would love to play golf every day often get bored within six months.

  4. It’s never too late to start saving. Most of us have not saved enough and must adjust our way of thinking about retirement. The longer you work, this helps you build savings and keeps you from drawing down the savings you do have.

  5. Don’t be afraid of the stock market. Besides people not saving for retirement, one of the biggest mistakes clients make could be being too conservative with their investments. The impact can be huge over a lifetime of saving.

Read more at: http://usat.ly/1LZLeiR (Source USAToday.com)