You may want to consider adding a trusted contact to your account. A trusted contact is simply someone disconnected from your accounts that you believe will act in your best interests in special circumstances. This person could include a family member, a close friend, or legal counsel. Locate this agreement form on Wealthport place #25 to designate a Trusted Contact or on the Client Financial Suitability Form. This option authorizes us, but does not require us to reach out to your trusted contact if exceptional circumstances arise, such as:
· Questions about your well-being or health are immediately raised
· Potential financial exploitation has been recognized
· We cannot reach you
Here are some important things to know regarding your decision to set up a trusted contact:
· The trusted contact for a single client may DIFFER for two separate account types.
· A trusted contact IS NOT authorized to contact the advisor or Cambridge to transact business or obtain private information related to the client without legal (e.g. POA)
· A trusted contact will be used primarily as a RESOURCE in cases of financial exploitation. It is highly recommended that the person NOT be someone already authorized on the client’s account, such as a joint owner. The purpose of a trusted contact is to permit Cambridge to notify someone that is not already a party to the information in case they suspect financial exploitation.
· Cambridge needs the following information on a trusted contact: name, address, relationship, and phone number.
If you would like more information regarding the Trusted Contact process, please reach out to your advisory team.